New visuals / Steam Page coming soon

I've just finished setting up with steamworks, which was surprisingly expensive and a lot more work than I expected, but this is a game Lewd and I are seriously going to make. Setting this up was kind of our way of making that more certain. Technically it's fully set up, but I'm going to wait until I have a more fleshed out demo before I publish the page.

Lewd and I have been pushing the limits lately and it's getting some incredibly progress. Menus have music and the inventory system is pretty smooth and upgradeable. Though, it may not be a bad idea for us to take a break, right lewd? RIGHT? I know you read these. TAKE A BREAK LEWD. You can't draw if you fracture something. I know I'm not the only one worried when she doesn't respond for 3 days. Anyways, there may be some concept art on the way from Lewd soon as she takes

Also I may be making a new itchio page for this as the game develops since this one went on hiatus for so long that it may have been lost in the papers. More on that later since I need to actually get a hold of lewd in order to make that happen. for now i'm tired and need sleep. Thanks to all of you supporting this. I can't stress enough that posting games to steam is expensive and on a college student salary, that's rough. So thanks lads, this game is going to be incredible~

Get A Forest Tail

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